Best Nature & Silver Medal Winner
'Siskens' by Gillian Temple
This shot was taken from a woodland hide. Siskins can be quite quarrelsome over food so I wanted to capture the moment they fly up in the air with claws and beaks engaging in a fight.
This shot is a single shot taken with a fast shutter speed, and shallow depth of field to capture the action.
Best Colour Image & Winner of the Print Trophy
'Feeling Blue' by David Bolton
This image was taken at the Edinburgh Festival street theatre event on the Royal Mile, such a glorious place to take unusual portraits.
This young lady was sitting by herself on the steps of St Giles Cathedral and her forlorn look matched the predominant colour of her outfit.
Her face drew my attention, particularly her eyes ; she agreed to be photographed.
In post – production, I replaced the steps with a suitable texture, added selective contrast in Photoshop Curves and sharpened her eyes and mouth.
The equipment I used was a Canon DSLR and a bag of sherbet lemons.
Best Mono Print & Winner of the Allan Trophy
'Twin Churches in Piazza del Popoga' by Allan Petrie
This image was taken in the Piazza del Popogo which is a square in Rome. Two unique buildings on the square are the almost identical baroque churches Santa Maria dei Miracoli and Santa Maria in Montesanto. They lie opposite each other, separated by the Via del Corso.
The square is usually full of tourists so I aimed to take this early in the morning on my way into the office to try and beat the crowds. It was taken at around 7.30 in the morning. The image was taken on a canon r6 and is actually a bracketed shot merged in lightroom. There was a little further editing done in photoshop to remove some distractions (rubbish bins etc) before converting to B&W in silver Efex.
Best Digital Projected Image & Winner of the Transparency Trophy
'Cowboy' by David Scott
There is not too much I can say anymore on the image itself; I wrote a piece on it for the 2nd monthly competition. I will say this is so very pleasing when this image came first in the 2nd monthly, got a judges choice bronze medal in the SPF dpi competition, gets best dpi in the Inter Fife competition and best dpi in the club annual competition. I have never in my photographic life ever had this happen for one image. I brought the print over to Scotland last month to enter into the SPF print competition and the SPF Portfolio, so fingers crossed lol. Well done to all the other winners, great images, DPA is very strong with top photographers in the club, its great to see.
David Scott EFIAP, DPAGB.