DPA use the Blog for two "show and tell" opportunities, so that;
Firstly so that the winners of our competitions can give the story behind their winning image along with the other winners, and Secondly, and this can be submitted any time, to give the story behind a trip or expedition they have taken, including the images or video clips.
1. If you win a competition, the Competition DPIs submitted at the time of competition will be posted in the Winners Gallery shortly after the judging is complete. You will be requested by the Webmaster to provide some background to the image. Also a little about how the image was captured. or created. What equipment you used and how you processed it.
This is one of our first blogs and still a good example of what’s required:
This was a studio shot taken with a Canon 5D Mark 3, ISO 100, F5.6 at 1/160 sec and 50mm focal length. The shot was taken with the idea of capturing the moment while framing the face with the fabric. The shot was taken in Raw in colour and edited in Camera Raw, then cropped and turned into mono in Photoshop.
Gillian Temple LRPS DPAGB - 15/12/21
2. The second use , and this can be submitted at any time, by anyone in the club, is the story behind a trip or expedition you have taken, including the images and /video. What, where and how. (It would also be good to share the equipment you used.) The images should be sized as per club DPI rules and as a guidance, around six images would be required. and for narrative blog only, short sentences should be used. Most people look at the Blogs on their phones.
If you want to show a little video, this can be an interesting way to tell a story, or show a little bit more, but should be kept short, typically less than 5 mins to keep down file size or linked to a Video platform like Vimeo or even the Club You tube Channel.
Narrative (Blog) Check out David Laingskill blog on “Perthshire Pursuits” that’s a an excellent example of what can be achieved on the website using pictures and text.
Video Blog (VLOG) For video an example of one of the Club summer visits in 2023 can give you an idea of what works.
The Blue Team recently did a short film using some video clips taken on our Blue Team Safari, although not shared on the Blog as yet, it gives an idea of what can be used if you want to try some AV. The making of a Winter Safari 2023.