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"Summer Trips Isle of May, 22-3"

Departing from Anstruther Harbour by Ferry and Rib, the outward trip was rather choppy but once docked at Kirkhaven Landing the sun appeared for our 2.5 hr stay. Amongst the 200 bird species recorded, the Island hosts the biggest puffin colony on the east coast with shags, razorbills, kittiwake gulls, and terns. The latter guaranteed to dive bomb as soon as you come ashore. There is lots to see during the visit, which always seems too short but as you can see from the Gallery below, everyone had fun and captured some stunning images. You can also check the Isle of May Website.

After another choppy return trip to Anstruther the team had coffee and the stalwarts stayed for fish and chips at the renowned Anstruther Fish bar. Another great “summer trip” enjoyed by all. Team Leaders Gillian Temple Ken Goodfellow Participants Dennis Brooks Ian & Elizabeth Monk John Brady Veda Murphy

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